My brother, just arrived home from Austria, was disappointed to learn that the sweet syrupy stuff we call schnapps in the States is quite a far cry from the flavoured fruit liquor schnapps available in Europe. The solution to this American deficiency of authentic schnapps has only one solution: we must distill our own schnapps.
Copper tubing brings the condensation (either water, methanol, or schnapps) through the coils in the bucket. |
Our makeshift alembic: a pressure cooker with a thermometer in it and tubing sealed to the top |
Coils being run through the bucket, that come out of the tube (on the bottom right) and into a vessel, in this case a jar. The bucket will have cold water constantly running through it during distillation, to cool down the steaming-hot tubing and turn the schnapps steam into shnapps liquid (also known as schnapps schnapps) |
We made a few gallons of pear wine for conversion into schnapps. The jar on the right is one gallon, which should give you a general idea of how much is in the storage tote. |
On a less illegal note, kombucha is going along well! |
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