Septoplasty, Part 2

Walking around with a catheter was a lot of fun for a week. It works very similar to a siphon, and thus must be kept below or at waist level in order to work properly. This is fine, except that it prevented me from taking baths, as the catheter floats. And I do so love baths.

Eventually, I went to a urologist and had it removed, which was only a bit uncomfortable. I also got an ultrasound, in order to check on the status of my kidneys. He also told me that when I went to the ER, they drained 900ml of urine. Here are two visualisations of what 900ml looks like:

Luckily, my bladder was not full of neither vodka nor sugarwater.

I was later told by my surgeon/doctor man that the catheter didn't even need to leave the emergency room after it drained, as the anesthesia that was preventing me from urinating had worked its way out of my system by that time.

For the first few days after surgery, I was extremely nauseous from the antibiotics I was taking, what always tear up my stomach when I'm sick. Eventually, I was able to stop taking them, after the splints in my nose were removed. Two splints were placed on either side of my septum, in order to hold it in place during healing. They went really far into my head, and after they were removed, my eyes were sore because the splints had pressed up against them. Here is one of them:

But now, albeit run down and slightly ill, I am on the road to proper recovery. And I can breath a bit better, but that will vastly improve too in another week or so.

1 comment:

  1. jesus, you pee a lot. at least you have all this junk out of your body now!
