Secret Woodchuck Roundup

Bella and have started hosting little informal gatherings, called the Secret Woodchuck Roundup series. Every other Thursday night, we come up with a list of about 12 people who are our friends or acquaintances. The idea is to gather people who don't know each other, and get them acquainted. Sometimes we don't know the invitees very well, either. But, we pick based on friendliness and sociability, especially looking for students who don't have many close friends, such as freshmen and transfers.

A lot of people here leave after their first semester. An alcohol-driven culture seems prevalent, but there are many people who aren't into hard partying, and they have trouble finding each other. So hopefully, the Woodchuck series will bring some people together in a meaningful way.

1 comment:

  1. Are you going to re-invite people with a different group of people? That way, people who went to one mingler can go to another that has a different group of people they didn't meet? Kind of like shuffling cards? Also, as you guys get to know new people better, if you meet someone you think would get along well with someone else who has been to a mingler before, but not that one, you guys should introduce said people. It's such a good idea, what you two are doing!
