Seed Cheese

A guy came into Big Bear, and starting telling me about his life with some pioneering raw foodists in the 70's. He says that most of their more useful recipes were not included in any of their works or pamphlets. Apparently, they were big on pamplets. These guys went nuts trying to ferment and pre-digest different foods in really interesting way, one of their more interesting products being seed cheese. The process went as follows:
  1. Sprout soft pastry winter wheat berries with distilled or spring water, in a ball jar with a breathable mesh under the ring.
  2. Once sprouted, rinse off the berriers, and blend them with the resulting liquid (rejuvelac, it should taste like lemonade) to an oatmeal consistency.
  3. Return this paste to the jar, and keep it warm (around 70 degrees, can be achieved by putting the jar in the oven and leaving the oven light on) for 24-36 hours.
  4. Pour off the rejuvelac, and squeeze out cheese by putting it in cheesecloth.
  5. Add others sprouted seeds to taste (he reccomended pumpkin and sesame, or sunflower).
  6. Blend again. Return this to jar, and ferment until desired result is reached.
Unfortunately, he did not provide any relative measurements, and disappeared without buying anything when I was summoned away.

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